Our Story
Several high profile athletes and sports executives came up with an idea for an initiative that would see athletes & sports personalities come together to fight Antisemitism. Over time, and while still not losing focus on its original goal, the idea expanded to include many other allies from different cultures, faiths and backgrounds.
From there, Unity Through Sport was established. It was formed to be an organization that would aim to unite people, instead of dividing them further. The notions of “Building Community One Game at a Time” and “Opportunity Through Unity” became a central focus for the initiative, and one that would resonate with its ambassadors, supporters, donors and sponsors.
Covid-19 and the social unrest that occurred in the summer of 2020, delayed the official launch of the organization, but quietly things continued to grow, advocates and champions were added, and Unity Through Sport became a full blown reality in 2022.
“The lesson never changes, so why is it so hard for some people to learn: No one is free until everyone is free. As Martin Luther King Jr. explained: ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality.’ So, let’s act like it. If we’re going to be outraged by injustice, let’s be outraged by injustice against anyone.”
– NBA Hall of Famer Kareem Abdul Jabbar